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Пахвала Вітаўту (Песня а князю Вітаўце). Виконує: гурт "Стары Ольса" з м. Гомель, Білорусь. Praise to king Vytautas / Vytaut of the Great Duchy of Lithuania / Litwa (15th cen. Belarus (historic Lithuania) shouldnt be mixed with modern state of Lithuania, Historic Lithuania was localised to the west of Minsk (within modern Belarus), see the map of Yermalovich, Belarusian historian: :Litva_(Yermalovich).svg?uselang=en Yermalovich viewed Great Duchy of Lithuania as Belarusian state. Lithuania of the In Belarusan language by group "Stary Olsa" from Homel, Belarus (historic Litwa).

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